Katifori Eleni

Eleni Katifori was born in Athens, in 1970. She’s a Miniaturist and a Calligrapher. She lives in Slamina with her husband Thanassi Papageli and their four children. She’s, also a high school teacher of Theology since 2005.
She studied Theology at the University of Athens, photography at Art and Design School of AKTO (1988-1989) and E.S.P.(1991), painting and Icon Painting at the School of Icon Painting of The Metropolitan Bishopric of Piraeus (1992-1994) and Paleography at M.I.E.T. (1999-2000).
She has taken part in two international exhibitions of Contemporary Orthodox Icon Panting (2003-2003) and had a three year co-operation with the Metropolitan Bishopric of Attica (2002-2005) for whom she executed a numerous illuminated manuscript pages.
From 1997 she deals with the Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts executed in parchment, papyrus or paper, in single pages (of varied dimensions) or whole books.
Also, she undertakes Commissions for Reliquaries, iconostasia
Ktima Karampoiki
31100 Megali Vrisi Kaligoni
Phone Number 1: 26450 25994
Mobile Number: 6971919470
Email-Pasya: katifori@pasya.gr