Vakouftsis Georgios
The Icon painter (agiographos) Georgjos Vakouftsis was born in Germany in 1972. He is married and father of three children. From an early age he revealed a tendency for painting and good arts. At the age of 20 he studied design, composition, painting and Iconing (agiographia). He is a member of Figurative Chamber of Ministry of Culture, and Association of Iconing painters However his essential guidance and teaching on the Orthodox art and theological applications, was received by Gabriel, and Mr. Philippos Markopoulo. Mr. Vakouftsis attended many seminars, in relation to Theology of picture, the composition, the design, the maintenance, the harmony of colour and its scientific approach. In the theory of colour, significantly contributed the revolutionary study of monk Gabriel, which continues and supplements the studies of Sartzent, Jtten and Kontaxaki.
This study will be published after its completion. In addition, Dr. Theodoros Kouyas, the academic professor of chemistry, researcher and industrialist, contributed a lot with his long-lasting guidance, to the growth and application of the pioneering study of G.Vakouftsi, on the chemistry of the materials of painting and maintenance. This study, as mentioned above, allows from the beginning of work, the evaluation, choice and manufacture of the appropriate materials, that suit in each case, so that the long- lasting life of works and their facility in maintenance is achieved (under presumptions written guarantee is provided for life.) The continuous search of knowledge regarding, and the continuation of this pioneering study, have given us and they will continue to give us elements that will be published. Certification for the quality of work, has been given by many academic professors, Bishops and Priests, but mainly the collaborations themselves, in which anyone can address to (Metropolies - Churches.)
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Ano Liosia
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