Charalampidis Grigorios
I was born in 1957 in Kavala from Greek parents from Pontus of Near East. My father was a Christian orthodox theologian priest George of Theodore. I am a graduate of the Athoniados Church Academy of Holy Mountain and have a degree of hagiography F.E.K 765/31-12-'87.
I lived as a student in the Holy Mountain among holy fathers and excellent spiritual guides. Felt the shelter of the holly Virgin Mary and the bless of the in practice glorious fathers.
Founded the House of Byzantine Hagiography - Mosaic Charalampidi (Ο.Β.Α.Χ.) in Thessalonica in 1975. The house is part of the the Chamber of Arts of Greece and the Panhellenic Union of Iconography Painters. My fields of expertise is the mastery hagiography and mosaic portable and on the wall, and also the drawing of paintings and portraits. Took part in group exhibitions in Greece and abroad.
Faithful in the Christian orthodox tradition, I carry out the god liking work to glory the most holy God Creator of the universe world as an example.
R. Feraiou 42
Phone Number 1: 210 9217640
Mobile Number: 6945645968