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Tampis Konstantinos

He was born in Nea Zoi Trikalon in 1961. He started drawing with the A.B.C. school.

He followed his vocation close beside distinguished icon painters and he is currently working as an icon painter.

He has been living in Ioannina since 1983 where he also works. He is a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Icon-painters. Since 1985 he has had his own exhibition in a showroom in the Municipality of Trikala. He has taken part in seven group exhibitions

1986-1987 with association of Icon Painters in the Prefecture of Trikala

1999-2003 Youth center of the Municipality of Ioannina

He was also in the Pan-Hellenic exhibition of the Literary Greek Association of   ‘ Parnasso”


Personal data

  • Icon painting of the HolyTemple of Pantokratoras of Arta
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of  Saint Dimitrios of Peta Artas
  • Icon painting of the HolyTemple of Healing of Arta
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of Mother Mary of Kastanea  Artas
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of Saint Paraskeyi Matsoukiou of Arta of Arta
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of Mother Mary Chrit of Pramanda
  • Icon painting of the HolyTemple of Taxiarches of Agnata
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of Saint Dimitrios of Keramitsa Thesprotia
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of Saint George of Thesprotia
  • Icon painting of the Holy Temple of Mother Mary of Raveni Thesprotia
  • Icon painting of the HolyTemple of Saint kyriaki of Nea Zoi Trikala

Christou Katsari 22
45221 Ioannina



Phone Number 1: 26510 37516
Mobile Number: 694 4892386
Website: http://www.icontampis.gr
Email-Pasya: tampis@pasya.gr

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