Iconographers Members
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Palamidis Ioannis

Giannis Palamedes was born in Athens in 1938. He studied Theology at the university of Athens and then worked as a secondary school Theology Teacher.

In 1962 he started to study Byzantine Hagiography (religious painting) with Photis Kontoglou and Kostas Georgacopoulos and continued to work with them for many years. He also studied drawing and painting at the workshop of Nikos Stefos.

 He is a member of the “Pan-Hellenic society of Hagiographers” and has participated in seven group exhibitions held by this society.

 In 1977, in a joint painting exhibition with his two sons (who are also painters), he exhibited his work (secular and religious) in the main exhibition hall of the Philological Society of Parnassos.

 Wall paintings and icons are to be found in various churches, chapels and private collections all over Greece.

 He has given many talks on spiritual and artistic subjects and has written various essays, critics and articles about Byzantine art and other related subjects such as “ the Greek character in the work of Greco”, Which from time to time has been published in magazines, newspapers and in book form.

From 1991 he directs the Byzantine iconography (Hagiography) workshop of the society of the Friends of the People (folk university), Euripidou 12, Athens and from 1993 he is a member of the Greek Chamber of Visual Arts.


Margariti 7 Str
11743 N. KOSMOS


Phone Number 1: 210 9217640
Mobile Number: 6945659271
Email-Pasya: palamidis@pasya.gr

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